START HERE WELCOMELivestream ScheduleUnited by Cacaolove Module 1: Origin + Roasting 1.0 Intro to Origin + Roasting1.1 Origin1.2 Sourcing1.3 Evaluating Beans1.4 Intro to Roasting1.5 Aroma Flavor Taste1.6 Cacao Flavor1.7 How to Roast1.8 Roast Categories1.9 Profile Roasting1.10 Targeting Flavor1.11 Evaluating the Roast1.12 Winnowing1.13 Videos + Downloads Module 2: Batchcraft 2.0 Batchcraft2.1 End Goals First2.2 The Role of %2.3 Dark Chocolate2.4 Milk Chocolate2.5 Making Batches2.6 Flavor + Texture2.7 Melter + Grinders 1012.8 Videos + Downloads Module 3: Tempering + White Chocolate 3.0 Intro to Tempering + White Chocolate3.1 Cocoa Butter Chemistry3.2 Making Seed3.3 Tempering w/ Seed3.4 Bar Moulds3.5 Videos + Downloads3.6 Intro to White Chocolate3.7 Crafting White Chocolate3.8 Videos + Downloads Module 4: Inclusioncraft 4.0 Inclusioncraft4.1 The WHY4.2 The HOW4.3 Chart of Inclusions4.4 Snackcrafting4.5 Re-Cap4.6 Drinking Chocolate4.7 Spreads + Cups4.8 Couverture/Baking Chocolate4.9 Videos + Downloads The B Side 5.0 The B Side5.1 Your Story5.2 Where + How5.3 Videos DownloadsYour Next Batch